we are everywhere

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Got my hand up

My hand is up in the air. I used to be sitting on it. Sat on my hands for decades because I was told be be quiet. Don't dare to be seen. About once each year, I mustered the courage to raise my cold, numb hand up to about shoulder level; but shame, my vigilant bodyguard, slapped me hard and quickly I was back on both hands without a word; not even a whimper.

My hand is up now. High. So count me into the numbers of mothers who have lost a child to adoption. I am such a mother. My hand is raised and I am ready to speak of my own experience. I am ready to begin to share strength on the days I might have some. And to share the intangible thing which we all need that is named hope.

Count my hand in this number of mothers.
We are everywhere.


  • At 8:20 AM , Blogger dbannie said...

    Thank you for adding me to your links, Kim Kim!

    Lady..we are so many in number, aren't we? I have had the great privilege of meeting on line and in person so many mothers since my reunion.

  • At 9:51 AM , Blogger Cookie said...

    I loved your first entry and can't wait to read more! Last night I just began my first blog too.



  • At 1:46 PM , Blogger magicpointeshoe said...


  • At 3:17 PM , Blogger FauxClaud said...

    Hey I KNOW YOU!!!
    Cool beans!!

  • At 7:32 PM , Blogger Amyadoptee said...

    Please tell me your reunion experience. I would love to hear it

  • At 7:41 AM , Blogger dbannie said...

    I have one more day to work this week. Hope to get to the key board

  • At 10:57 AM , Blogger magicpointeshoe said...

    Do you have a livejournal account so that you could read protected posts of friends? If not it would be a good time to get one... I'm blogging a pretty darn good adoption topic right now and could use some imput.

  • At 4:07 PM , Blogger dbannie said...

    Ummm...help me out here, please/ Bloggerneophyte here. Never had my first email until after I was 40.

    Tell me more, Magic. I would be happy to read what you have written if you would like to share it...But HELP me!

  • At 10:01 PM , Blogger magicpointeshoe said...

    okie dokie! http://www.livejournal.com/create.bml

    That's the page to create an account. Pick a livejournal user name, and then when you are logged in click

    After that I'll add you in to the filter and you should get to see those locked posts after I add you in.

  • At 6:38 PM , Blogger CJ said...

    Um, now that you put your hand up, can you put your fingers to the keyboard? I would love to hear your story!

  • At 1:21 AM , Blogger Laurie (formerly known as Momseekingpeace) said...

    Hi there dbannie!!!!!!!

  • At 8:23 AM , Blogger dbannie said...

    I just finished up a draft that I began weeks ago! Published today, 4/16, though I wrote most of it in Feb.

    I see now that I have to edit the date on drafts. I assumed that it would automatically change to the date you click publish.
    Now I know!


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